Saturday, July 10, 2010


Mr. C.K.: I haven't had sex without a shirt on, God, since I was about 23.

GROSS: Is that true?

Mr. C.K.: Yeah, I just don't think it's fair. I mean, you know, let her think she's with somebody decent, you know.

Like on the show, I do have sex sometimes on the show, and there's a rule in my head that I have to be on my back because...

GROSS: Because your stomach flattens?

Mr. C.K.: Well, no, no, God, no. I don't think - I'm not laying back in the bed thinking I look awesome right now.

(Soundbite of laughter)

Mr. C.K.: It's because I think I should always be the victim of the sex. I shouldn't be...

(Soundbite of laughter)

Mr. C.K.: I don't think anyone wants to see me looming over her. I think that's an upsetting image for most. And then also, the puppy - the stomach I get. The mother-dog stomach that I get when I'm kind of - you get the point. It's not good.

So yeah, on my back, T-shirt, I'm okay. I can hang with that. I can be okay with a young woman, on my back, T-shirt on. Anything else, it's not fair.
-NPR, Fresh Air

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