Thursday, February 18, 2010


How will the Tea Party attack the introduction of the VAT in the near future? More importantly what language will Frank Luntz develop to describe it?

Is Obama meeting the Dalai Lama like Hu Jintao inviting an American Indian chief to Bejing?

Why does the average Jepordy contestant have a greater knowledge of art history than I do? Is it because of required classes in colleges, increased international tourism?

Do professional skateboarders self-insure?

Is the CIA capable of assasinating terrorists without Predator drones or other military assistance?

What is the future profitability of the company that makes Northface Jackets? Why did I see a homeless man wearing one yesterday?

Who the fuck buys e-books?

Did my grandfathers business fail from Asian competition, overambitious expansion, employee theft, uncooperative customers or poor inventory control?

Is there a state park in North Georgia that has good trails for hiking this time of year?

Did I stop liking music because of substance abuse, boredom, lack of internet connectivity or the declining quality of new musical acts?

Does constant iPod use destroy one's socialbility, academic performance?

Do I write like a fat guy or 14 year old girl?

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