Monday, February 1, 2010

Good Sentences

"If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, then Davos is the road crew keeping it smooth and fast"-Felix Salmon

Above all, the story of the co-op tells you that economic slumps are not punishments for our sins, pains that we are fated to suffer. The Capitol Hill co-op did not get into trouble because its members were bad, inefficient baby sitters; its troubles did not reveal the fundamental flaws of “Capitol Hill values” or “crony baby-sittingism.” It had a technical problem–too many people chasing too little scrip–which could be, and was, solved with a little clear thinking. And so, as I said, the co-op’s story helps me to resist the pull of fatalism and pessimism.

-Paul Krugman for Slate in 1998

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