Monday, February 8, 2010

I generally disaprove of Matt Taibbi

However this 2005 piece on The World Is Flat is mostly awesome,
In a Friedman book, the reader naturally seizes up in dread the instant a suggestive word like "Windows" is introduced; you wince, knowing what's coming, the same way you do when Leslie Nielsen orders a Black Russian. And Friedman doesn't disappoint. His description of the early 90s:

The walls had fallen down and the Windows had opened, making the world much flatter than it had ever beenbut the age of seamless global communication had not yet dawned.

How the fuck do you open a window in a fallen wall? More to the point, why would you open a window in a fallen wall? Or did the walls somehow fall in such a way that they left the windows floating in place to be opened?

This makes me want to revisit the vampire squid feature.

But one must remember in the wild, "Vampire squid are very small and harmless to humans."

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