Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Nicer Guy

"When Mr. Stanford surrendered to authorities, he was a healthy 59-year-old man," Stanford's Houston-based lawyer, Robert Bennett, wrote in a brief on which Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz consulted.

"Mr. Stanford's pretrial incarceration has reduced him to a wreck of a man: he has suffered potentially life-impairing illnesses; he has been so savagely beaten that he has lost all feeling in the right side of his face and has lost near-field vision in his right eye," Bennett said.

Saying their client had neither the motive to flee nor the means, having been declared "indigent" by court, Stanford's lawyers urged that he be placed under house arrest at the home of his fiancee's sister, with an ankle bracelet and other travel restrictions.

-Savagely beaten Stanford asks to be freed, Reuters

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