Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Picture this scene. You are a few 100 meters from a tall cliff. Straight ahead is an extremely attractive waterfall. Other slender waterfalls flow over the cliff to your left. To the right you look across flat farmland with Icelandic horses grazing, and out over the ocean to the jagged Westerman Islands. Beyond that is Surtsey, which didn’t even exist until 1963. Above the cliffs you see a dazzling glacier, and the sort of oddly shaped clouds that you see in northern regions. Cute puffin birds circle around. Over-arching the entire scene is a huge rainbow with more colors than I recall seeing in any other rainbow. Oh, and one other thing, if that’s not enough there was also a colossal tower of ash rising above the glacier-caped volcano, no more than a few miles away.
-Scott Sumner on Iceland

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