Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wedesday Links

Nouriel, of course, takes that kind of thinking to its logical conclusion, and kicked off the panel by announcing that it was just in time: “in a few days,” he said, “there might not be a eurozone for us to discuss.” There’s no way that Greece can implement the 10% spending cut it needs to do in order to stop its debt spiralling out of control at current interest rates — and even if it did, the economic effects would be disastrous.
-Felix Salmon

Apparently Goldman didn’t just hurt its clients, it hurt everyone in the world. Take a moment right now to show us on the doll where Goldman touched you.
-Dealbreaker via BC

Goldman Sachs Underwriting Market Shares in Subprime RMBS and CDOs

Not die Staatsbanken!

The Many Faces of Lloyd

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