Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This seems relevant

From the New Yorker-

Nothing illustrated this disconnect, Tabibian says, as clearly as the Islamic Republic’s attitude toward prostitution. What should the state do about the “special ladies” who, under the Shah, populated the red-light districts of Iranian cities? He recalled that in Tehran the authorities resolved to pay salaries to the prostitutes so that they would cease their work and reform their lives. “And, at the same time, you’d hear in the news about women being stoned!” Tabibian marvelled. “The revolutionary court said to execute prostitutes. Nobody talked about the hundreds who were suddenly on the government payroll, doing nothing.”

This quote from Bottle Rocket is my game plan for 2010-

I'm also coaching a little league soccer team called the Hurricanes. They're mostly beginners, but they've got a lot of spirit, and they don't let defeat get them down. They remind me of Dignan in that way. Say what you will about him, he's no cynic and he's no quitter. I'm usually so exhausted now at the end of the days that I don't have to time to think about blown opportunities or wasted time.

This why I read Clusterstock

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