Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stalking Etiquette

I enjoy looking up fat acceptance blogs on tumblr and than perusing the sites of girls who post their photos. This is a superior alternative to pornography, but creepy. Its superior because you find pictures created by folks who aren't trying to earn money through exhibition. Its creepy because the images, words, assorted media were not created for your consumption. Here's my question...why is their not a greater market for porn which gives the consumer the illusion of an intimate relationship? I am not referring to crying into a strippers tits type intimacy but more like "hi, my name is Scarlet, here I am naked, listening to Animal Collective waiting to go to work at Bed, Bath and Beyond." Payment seems to be the problem. The exchange of money for performance distorts the curiosity of the customer. You want a fair shake (insert dick joke) after committing even the smallest amount of cash. The employee, employer relationship is initiated. If I know I am purchasing sexual arousal I want the greatest amount of that good at a given quality I can obtain.

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